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Abbott's plea to WA voters

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 05 April 2014 | 11.25

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has pleaded for Western Australian voters to back Liberal candidates. Source: AAP PRIME Minister Tony Abbott has made a last-ditch plea to West Australian voters as they head to the polls for a Senate election re-run....
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

MH370 search above and below water

AN underwater search has entered its second day as authorities continue to race the clock to find a black box flight recorder belonging to a missing Malaysia Airlines jet. Co-ordinated by Australia, the search and rescue mission in the southern...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Boy's parents located

POLICE have tracked down the parents of a young boy who was found wandering alone through suburban southwest Sydney. Residents of Claymore called police after spotting the boy in the street wearing pyjamas about 7.30am Saturday. Estimated to...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Asylum-seeker baby's fate in High Court

Written By Unknown on Jumat, 04 April 2014 | 11.25

Lawyers will try to stop an asylum seeking couple's Australian-born baby being moved into detention. Source: AAP A BABY boy born in Australia and his asylum-seeking family will be sent to a Darwin detention centre on Saturday unless the High...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

ACCC won't block Transurban-led Qld bid

The competition watchdog won't oppose Transurban's bid for government-owned toll roads in Brisbane. Source: AAP THE competition watchdog will not oppose the proposed purchase of several government-owned Brisbane roads by a consortium led...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Labor defends WA senate candidate

A WA Labor senate candidate called members of his own party "mad", the Australian reports. Source: AAP LABOR has gone on the defensive over a last-minute campaign to undermine the credibility of its lead senate candidate in Western Australia....
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Lion to assess losing Woolworths contracts

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 03 April 2014 | 11.25

DAIRY company Lion says being dumped as Woolworths' milk supplier in Victoria and Western Australia will affect volumes at its plants in those states. Lion lost contracts to supply Woolworths' private label white milk to Victorian and West Australian...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

RBA warns on rise and fall in real estate

RBA governor Glenn Stevens has warned home buyers a boom is usually followed by a fall. Source: AAP THE head of the Reserve Bank has warned Australians to be careful when borrowing and making investments in housing, as boom times don't last...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Abuse 'only' in Aust, Salvos' victim told

A MAN brutalised in a boys' home says he was told by the global head of the Salvation Army that abuse only happened in Australia. Jim Luthy, president of Care Leavers Australia Network (CLAN), told a royal commission hearing he wrote in 2010 to...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

Palmer says carbon tax bill has been paid

Written By Unknown on Selasa, 01 April 2014 | 11.26

Clive Palmer says Queensland Nickel's $36 million carbon tax bill has been paid. Source: AAP CLIVE Palmer has rejected claims that one of his companies, Queensland Nickel, is at risk of being shut down by federal authorities for failing to...
11.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Shark hopes for Qld island revival

Golfer Greg Norman (C) has appealed for investors to back the redevelopment of a resort island. Source: AAP THE Great White Shark has appealed for investors to back a billion-dollar redevelopment of a Great Barrier Reef island. Golfing...
11.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Obeids 'thought they were running NSW'

Banker Gardner Brook has told ICAC the family of Eddie Obeid "thought they were running the state". Source: AAP THE family of ex-NSW MP Eddie Obeid "thought they were running the state" and stood to earn a "bucketload" from an allegedly corrupt...
11.26 | 0 komentar | Read More

Funtastic posts $26m half year loss

Written By Unknown on Senin, 31 Maret 2014 | 11.25

TOY distributor Funtastic has suffered a $26 million half year loss and says sales of some of its key brands have been disappointing. The company's loss in the six months to January 31 was largely caused by a writedown of $24.2 million on its...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

New home sales at near three year high

NEW home sales are at a near three year high, driven by a boom in detached house sales. Detached house sales jumped 6.9 per cent in February, according to data from the Housing Industry Association. That led to an increase in total new home...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More

SA still on target for surplus in 2015/16

NEWLY returned South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill says his government still expects to return the state budget to surplus in 2015/16 - it's just not a promise. Mr Weatherill says the government's finances are on track but achieving budget...
11.25 | 0 komentar | Read More
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