Qld govt to absorb fed pension cuts

Written By Unknown on Kamis, 05 Juni 2014 | 11.26

The Queensland government will absorb all federal concession cuts to pensioners and seniors. Source: AAP

THE Queensland government will absorb all concession cuts to pensioners and seniors dished out by the federal government.

Two days after the state budget ruled out the move, Premier Campbell Newman backflipped after the grey army took the state government to task on talk-back radio.

Mr Newman says he's listened.

"We're not only listening to Queenslanders, but we're acting within the space of two days to reinstate the full level of pensioner and senior concessions," he told parliament.

"Queensland seniors and pensioners will not be worse off because of the Commonwealth cuts."

The federal budget, handed down in May, cut $223.2 million over four years meant to fund pensioner and senior concessions for electricity, rates and transport.

Mr Newman told parliament the state budget had raised pensioner and senior concessions by almost $26 million in the next financial year to help compensate.

But he's since realised seniors and pensioners can't fill the gap and would stump up the remaining 15 per cent.

"We will be continuing to send a clear message to the Commonwealth that Queenslanders won't stand for these kinds of cuts," he said.

Opposition Leader Annastacia Palaszczuk supported the move but said the government needed to show where it was getting the extra funding from.

Ms Palaszczuk said the premier's attack on Queensland pensioners' household budgets would not be quickly forgotten.

"The ink isn't even dry on this budget and the premier has scrambled to save his own political skin following a crisis of his own making," she said.

"He made a choice in his budget where he could help Queensland pensioners or hurt them.

"He chose to hurt them."

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